Career Advice

What Is a Remote Closer and How to Become One

by CareerFitter

Key Takeaways

Remote closing is a virtual sales role focusing on the final stages of the sales process

Average salary: $112,891

Aspiring remote closers can enter the profession without a college degree

Simply put, remote closers are salespeople who work virtually to finalize deals. They can work across a range of industries and the remote closing industry has been growing rapidly due to the role's flexibility, high pay, and the ability to work outside the traditional in-person grind. If you're drawn to sales but crave the freedom and flexibility of remote work, stepping into the role of a remote closer could be an ideal choice.

In this article, we'll discuss what is remote closing, the salary range and future outlook, steps for how to become a remote closer, and where you can start your job search for most remote closing positions.

What is Remote Closing?

Remote closers are instrumental in closing deals but also serve as the linchpin in the sales process, bridging the gap between prospective clients and the products or services they need. Their expertise lies in understanding client needs, addressing concerns, and skillfully guiding negotiations to successful conclusions—all while leveraging virtual platforms and digital tools.

As integral members of sales teams, remote closers play a pivotal role in driving revenue growth and fostering long-term client relationships. Some of the typical day-to-day responsibilities of a remote closer position include:

  • Understanding client needs and preferences through thorough research and communication.
  • Initiating and managing virtual sales meetings and presentations.
  • Utilizing digital communication tools to maintain regular contact with clients throughout the sales funnel
  • Developing and implementing effective sales strategies tailored to individual client requirements.
  • Negotiating terms and pricing with clients to reach mutually beneficial agreements.
  • Overcoming objections and addressing concerns raised by clients to ensure a smooth sales process.
  • Collaborating with internal teams to ensure seamless delivery of products or services to clients.
  • Maintaining accurate records of sales activities and client interactions in CRM systems.
  • Continuously updating knowledge of industry trends, competitor offerings, and best practices in remote sales techniques.

Remote Closer Salary Information

Remote Closer salary information bar graph

According to ZipRecruiter, the average yearly compensation for a Remote Closer in the United States is $112,891 or about $54 per hour. On the upper end of the salary distribution, a successful remote closer makes as much as $193,500 per year while the lowest-paying remote closer jobs have compensation that is $31,500 per year.

Remote Closer salary information table with distrubution of annual salary by percentile

Benefits of A Career in Remote Closing

The allure of remote closing extends beyond the high average salary and the ability to work anywhere with an internet connection. Remote closing presents tangible benefits for businesses and professionals alike. For businesses, remote closing offers increased efficiency, cost savings for travel expenses or overhead, and access to a broader talent pool. On the flip side, professionals enjoy the flexibility to craft their work environment, higher earning potential, and the opportunity to balance work and life seamlessly.

Skills and Qualities of Successful Remote Closer

Remote closers embody a unique blend of skills, qualities, and business acumen, including:

Communication Skills

Successful remote closers possess strong verbal and written communication skills to articulate ideas clearly, build rapport with clients, and convey complex information persuasively through virtual channels. Effective communication skills are a must-have to develop meaningful connections with potential customers, close warm prospects, and take client relationships from prospecting to contract signing.

Sales Techniques

Beyond clear communication, remote closers excel in the art of sales, employing various strategies and tactics to identify client needs, overcome objections, and close deals successfully. They understand the nuances of the sales process and adapt their approach to suit individual client preferences and can apply inbound sales techniques they have acquired via previous experience, education, or on-the-job training.

Typically, mock calls are done to build and refine these necessary skills and allow them to have a strong understanding of common questions and objections from potential clients. Virtual job shadowing can also be another option that lets you accompany a sales team or remote closer for video meetings so you can gain experience and learn how sales professionals conduct business and close.

Adaptability and Flexibility

In the dynamic world of remote sales, adaptability is key. Successful remote closers embrace change, navigate unforeseen challenges with ease, and remain flexible in their approach to meet evolving client demands and market trends. Part of a remote closer's job is answering questions and handling objections from potential customers as well as having the emotional intelligence to anticipate any bumps in the sales cycle to close sales.


Proficiency in technology is essential for remote closers to leverage virtual communication platforms as they don't have face-to-face interactions. They need to understand video conferencing tools (e.g., Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom), CRM software, e-signature tools, and other tools related to appointment setting. They also stay updated on the latest technological advancements and harness innovative solutions to enhance their productivity and efficiency.

Persistence and Resilience

Remote closers demonstrate resilience and self-motivation. In the face of rejection and setbacks, maintaining a positive attitude and unwavering determination to achieve sales targets is a must. They view obstacles as opportunities for growth and remain persistent in pursuing their goals despite obstacles along the way. Some people find it difficult to work independently in a remote setting and stay focused or motivated without being physically present in an office.

Steps to Become a Remote Closer

The steps to enter the remote closing industry may vary depending on the specific vertical however, generally, you can become a remote closer by:

Step 1: Building a Strong Foundation in Sales

Begin by gaining foundational knowledge and skills in sales. This may involve formal education, such as a degree in sales, marketing, or business, but you'll also need to gain practical experience through entry-level sales. Aspiring remote closers should not merely focus on mastering sales techniques but also on honing interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. 

If you haven't done sales before this can be an adjustment so be prepared to put additional time into practicing scripts and practicing how to handle different situations that commonly arise. Sales isn't right for everyone so it's good to get your toes into an entry-level role to see if you are comfortable with the pressure of meeting periodic sales targets and having to navigate situations where people are disinterested in your products and services.

It's not generally required to have certifications but acquiring a closing certification can notably augment both your credibility and prospects for employment. Various online learning platforms, such as Udemy or the Sales Coaching Institute, provide a plethora of relevant courses and certification programs to choose from.

Step 2: Master Virtual Communication Tools and Essential Skills

While the basics of sales remain consistent, mastering the nuances of remote communication is crucial. Practice utilizing phone, video conferencing, email, and other digital communication platforms to effectively engage clients, convey information persuasively, and successfully close deals in virtual environments. This is likely to be specific to your employer as each will use different tools and communication systems, but many remote closers use tools such as:

  • Video Conferencing Software: (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet) - Video conferencing tools enable remote closers to conduct virtual meetings, presentations, and demos with clients.
  • Internal Communication Tools: (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams) - Internal communication platforms facilitate seamless collaboration and communication within remote sales teams.
  • Sales Tools: (e.g., LinkedIn Sales Navigator) - Social selling tools empower remote closers to identify and engage with prospects on social media platforms, leveraging insights for personalized outreach.
  • CRM Software: (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot) - CRM software helps manage customer relationships, track interactions, and streamline sales processes.
  • Prospecting Tools: (e.g., ZoomInfo, Outreach, Apollo, Hunter) - Prospecting tools provide remote closers with access to comprehensive databases of leads and contacts, enabling efficient prospecting and lead generation efforts.

If you can show proficiency in these tools you are much more likely to be hired as a remote closer or for a remote sales role. If you don't have any professional experience where you have used them before be ready to explain when you have used them in the past and how proficient you are as it will likely come up in a job interview setting. Many of the tools mentioned have free versions you can get familiar with before you apply. Additionally, any essential skills that are must-haves or recommended for the role are likely to be listed in the job description. It's a good idea to watch video tutorials of the tools listed if you are unfamiliar with them.

Step 3: Develop a Personal Brand and Online Presence

Craft a compelling personal brand and establish a strong online presence to showcase your expertise and credibility in the sales arena. This is particularly important if you want to become a remote closer and are looking to break into the remote closing industry. A remote worker or any sales professional should utilize social media for social proof so employers can verify you are a good candidate. Many employers may find it to be a red flag if an applicant for a remote role has no online presence.

Start by creating a professional LinkedIn profile, participating in relevant industry forums and discussions, and sharing valuable insights and content related to sales and remote closing to enhance your visibility and credibility. If you are new to the field and don't necessarily have key insights use LinkedIn to follow thought leaders and join professional networks. Be sure to reframe previous job roles and achievements in your profile to support the skills mentioned previously.

Step 4: Seek Remote Closing Opportunities and Network

Next, begin actively pursuing remote closing opportunities with companies that offer remote work options or specialize in virtual sales. Utilize job boards, professional networking platforms, and industry-specific events to identify potential openings and connect with key players in the field. 

Try to cultivate meaningful relationships and expand your network to uncover new opportunities and insights. For example, LinkedIn makes it easy to find and follow other remote closers, HR representatives, and important executives. Connecting with them increases your social proof by increasing your "connections" within the platform while also allowing you to ask them questions and express your interest directly in new job openings.

Step 5: Continuous Learning and Skill Development

Embrace a mindset of continuous growth and development. It will be vital to stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies relevant to remote sales and the specific niche you want to enter. 

For example, there will be differences in trends between financial services, real estate, and e-commerce. Invest time in ongoing learning opportunities such as online courses, certifications, or remote thought leadership workshops discussing current events and topics to enhance your knowledge and skills as a remote closer and remain competitive in the ever-evolving sales landscape.

Again, you can use LinkedIn for this. As you connect with other professionals and thought leaders, you'll likely receive invites to LinkedIn events to discuss key topics of interest, changes in the industry, and current events. LinkedIn also has skill development options such as LinkedIn Learning, where you can further refine your sales skills and professional development with courses on everything from CRM software to personal branding. Another option is to subscribe to sales-specific LinkedIn newsletters or join groups to ask questions and find out how experienced sales professionals handle various objections while closing.

Remote Closing Job boards

The are several job boards for finding remote closing roles but the top job boards include:

Remember to have a well-crafted profile on the job board you use. Employers prefer candidates with relevant experience, education, and qualifications easy to find and well-communicated - not just in the resume or cover letter you send them. It saves time to be able to quickly look you up and demonstrates the skills needed to be successful on the sales team. If you are going for high-ticket closing roles, this is particularly important.

Find Out If Remote Closing is Right for You

Hopefully, now you can answer "What is remote closing?" and how to become a remote closer but should you? The pay and work-life balance are attractive however being a remote closer requires a few unique personality traits to feel filled by the workflow and the stress of managing clients, dealing with objections, and closing deals independently.

Take the best career assessment tests to better gauge your personality and to see if it's a good match before investing the time, money, and energy to become a remote closer. Plus, learn about the best careers for 2024 and paths tailored for you. There are so many work-from-anywhere jobs and career options these days for those attracted to high-paying remote roles if remote closing or sales aren’t right for you.

FAQs About Becoming a Remote Closer

What is remote closer?

A remote closer is someone who facilitates the completion of sales transactions or deals entirely remotely, typically through phone calls, video conferences, emails, or other digital means. They may work for various industries, such as real estate, insurance, or technology, and their primary responsibility is to guide clients through the final stages of a sale and ensure all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and efficiently.

How much do remote closers make?

The salary of remote closers can vary depending on factors such as experience, industry, location, and the complexity of the deals they handle. On average, remote closers earn anywhere from $112,891 or more per year, with bonuses or commissions often included as part of their compensation package.

Is remote closing a good job?

Whether remote closing is a good job depends on individual preferences, skills, and career goals. For those who enjoy working independently, have strong communication and negotiation skills, and are comfortable using technology to facilitate deals, remote closing can offer flexibility, the potential for high earning potential, and the opportunity to work from anywhere with an internet connection. However, it's important to consider the challenges, such as the need for self-discipline and the potential for irregular hours to accommodate clients in different time zones.

How long does it take to be a remote closer?

In general, gaining proficiency as a remote closer may take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years, during which time individuals may undergo training, acquire necessary certifications, and develop their skills through practical experience. Some people may enter the field with previous sales experience or relevant education, which can accelerate the learning curve. Ultimately, the time it takes to become a remote closer can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific requirements of the industry or company.



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