Premium Career Assessment Assistance Program | PCAAP

careerfitter career test

Universities | Colleges | Governments

CareerFitter has been a leader in online career personality assessments for over 24 years. We value this opportunity to participate in providing career guidance to students.

There is no cost for qualifying organizations.

Colleges and universities can receive free Premium Career Assessments and Career Tests from CareerFitter.

Step 1 Create your Career Counselor Dashboard

Step 2 Verify Your Organization


  • The organization must be connected to a career assistance field
  • The organization must be older than 12 months.  (Younger organizations will be evaluated case by case)
  • The organization owns a private website and a unique domain 
  • Website must be SSL (example:  https://....)
  • Admin email must be associated with the organization's domain.  (example:
  • Must be able to demonstrate organizational authority by modifying the organization's website
  • Must complete Step Two

We look forward to supporting your success.
For questions, please contact:

Common Questions

How many free Premium Career Assessments and Tests will my school receive?

Depending on the size of your organization, $200 to $2,500 is credited toward assessments. No purchase is required.


Why No Cost?

  • Other organizations have funded this program.
  • CareerFitter participates in supporting education. We believe more education equals a better world.

Is there a cost for my coach dashboard or a cost to the students?

  • No. There are no costs.