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 A3 Assessment

 A3 video
After completing the work personality assessment, your next step should be completing the A3.
The A3 is an aptitude and aversion assessment tool to discern your ideal work environment.
Watch the circle charts to see your answers shaping the results.

aptitude aversion assessment donut chart example

  • The orange section in the left chart represents the number of careers recommended by your personality assessment that are now impacted by your A3 results.
  • The green and yellow sections represent the remaining Primary and Secondary careers that fit you.
  • The orange section in the right chart represents the total number of careers impacted by your A3 answers.

Calculate your career FIT Scores after you complete the A3

Located in the top navigation of your dashboard.
calculate fit score button


Explore Your Careers |  -> Watch the Video

Here, you will find your list of suggested careers, with additional preference filters to narrow your career search even further.

The briefcase icon will shortcut you to this sectionsee your career button.

Your "BEST FITTING CAREERS" is set as the default view.
best fitting careers filter

Selecting "ALL CAREERS" shows all careers.

You can apply filters to either group: 

Adding more filters reduces the number of careers displayed. If you see NO RESULTS, reduce your filters.

Filter Options

  • Only My Favorites heart  Shows only the careers you added to your favorites. Add a career to your favorites by clicking the heart once to turn it red.
  • Only Work From Home Careers - Restricts your existing list of careers to only work-from-home options.
  • Education - Select the education requirements you desire. You can select more than one.
  • Growth - Reduces the displayed careers to those with the projected growth you have selected. You can select more than one at a time. We recommend selecting everything in the range from Average to Fastest Growth.
  • Salary Aversage - Reduces the displayed careers to those with the salary range you have selected.
  • Search Career Name -  First, press the "Reset Filter" button and select "All Careers."
    Use the empty field marked with   Start typing a career name until you see it in the list. 
    The filter works in real time.
    • Do NOT press enter - this will clear your search.

What is a FIT Score?

  • After you complete the A3, press the button to calculate your career FIT Scores.
  • A higher FIT score number indicates a career that utilizes more of your natural strengths.
  • FIT Score algorithms consider the number of most common characteristics of a career, a user's personality strengths, aptitudes, and aversions.
  • Careers with no FIT Score do not have enough data about the career's most common characteristics to compare with your strengths.

fit score example A numerical value from the combined calculations of your work personality assessment and your Aptitude Aversion Assessment considering your strengths and potential weaknesses.  A higher FIT Score indicates more of your strengths will be used.

Strengths Star: A work personality strength

 A3 Strength: Characteristic strength resulting from the Aptitude Aversion Assessment
This characteristic is a strength.

  A3 Characteristic Caution: Characteristic caution resulting from the Aptitude Aversion Assessment
This characteristic could be a reason you may not want to consider this career.

A3 Characteristic Warning: Characteristic warning resulting from the Aptitude Aversion Assessment
This characteristic is a reason you may not want to consider this career.

fit score cluster symbolCareer Cluster: This symbol means the career title represents a cluster of careers.  Open the cluster title to see the list of sub-careers with FIT Scores.

Work Personality FingerPrint

Your Work Personality Fingerprint is a visual representation of your work personality that is unique to you.

 Fingerprint Video

  • Longer extensions represent your stronger characteristics.
  • Hover over each section within your dashboard to learn more about that characteristic.

Share your Fingerprint on Linkedin and social media to highlight and compare your work personality strengths with your friends and colleagues.

 LinkedIn step-by-step video guide




Why can't I see my Premium results?

  • Your results are likely safe.  Try resetting your password first.
  • If you purchased via PayPal, there may be a 1 minute delay as PayPal sends the purchase confirmation.  Try refreshing your screen. Be assured we will correct this issue to your satisfaction.  If refreshing did not work, contact our very helpful customer service team.

Can I change my answers?

  • No. The CareerFitter work personality assessment does not allow you to change your answers after you have completed it.
  • Try logging out of your dashboard and retaking the free career test. Compare your free summary to your Premium Report details to learn if retaking it would change your results. 
  • Note: You can not purchase 2 Premium Reports using the same email.  Use a different email or contact customer service to deactivate your other account.

Can I change my A3 answers?

  • Yes.  Your aptitudes and aversions may evolve and change over time.  CareerFitter allows you to update your A3.
  • Note: Careers and Jobs are evolving. We update the A3 and add new questions for you several times yearly.  When new A3 questions are added, your dashboard will notify you that you have unanswered questions.  Answering these questions will help narrow your best career options and may even guide you in a new career direction.

Primary and Secondary Careers

  • Secondary careers are not secondary in importance or suitability but simply represent more specialized pathways within the broader primary career. They could offer an individual more specific guidance on potential career paths that could be a good fit for them.
  • A "primary career" is a broad occupational field that has been determined to be a strong match for an individual based on the alignment of their work personality, interests, and preferred work environment.
    • For example, someone who is highly social and empathetic enjoys an environment that helps others, and prefers a dynamic work environment might be matched with a primary career like "Social Worker."
  • A "secondary career," on the other hand, is a more specialized or specific role within the primary career that also aligns well with the individual's unique profile but perhaps requires a specific focus or additional education, training, or specific skill sets. These secondary careers may also cater to more nuanced aspects of an individual's personality or work environment preferences.
    • Continuing with the previous example, secondary careers might include roles like "Child Welfare Social Worker" or "Clinical Social Worker," each having more specific contexts and requirements but still falling within the overall field of social work.

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