General Access Code Information




What Is An Access Code?

  • An Access Code is a single-line combination of letters and numbers that represents a credit amount for a user to access the Premium Dashboard which includes the work personality assessment, A3 assessment, and all features of the Premium Dashboard.
  • Think of an Access Code as a pre-paid credit card that can be charged with pre-purchased Premium Career Tests and access to the Premium Dashboard.

Access Code Example:  abccollege82793

  • Access codes can only be purchased inside an Affiliate Dashboard (Career Counselor Dashboard).

Access codes allow affiliates to:


How To Bulk Purchase Access Codes

  1. Login to your CareerFitter Affiliate Dashboard

  2. Select Purchase Access Codes

  3. Select the number of access codes you would like to purchase and click continue at the bottom of the page to complete your purchase.

 Bulk Purchase Video Tutorial


How to Change Or Rename An Access Code To Prevent Further Use

  1. Login to your Affiliate Dashboard
  2. Select Manage Access Codes
  3. Select Edit to the right of your access code
  4. Change the name of the access code and select update at the bottom of the form.

 Renaming An Access Code Video Tutorial


Access Code Restrict View Feature

If an examinee is sent an assessment using an access code that has the Restrict View feature on, the examinee will be allowed to take the assessment but not view their results until you release the results to them. This gives you the option to preview their results first.

The feature must be turned for each access code (the Restrict View feature is off by default.)

  1. Log in to your Affiliate Dashboard
  2. Go to Manage Access Codes
  3. Edit
  4. Check the box "Only I can view the examinee's career report"


Allow an Examinee to View Their Results

(Only needed if your Access Code's Restrict View feature is currently on)

If an examinee used your access code to take the assessment and the "Restric View" feature of the access code is on. This is how you release your examinee's results so the examinee can view their results when they log in to their user dashboard.

Log in to your Affiliate Dashboard.

  1. Open “Manage Examinees” within your dashboard.

  2. Click the Allow Access button to the left of your client’s name
    If there is no button and they completed their assessment, they will be able to see their results when they log in as a user.

  3. After this function is completed, the "Allow Access" button will disappear.